Saturday, 8 December 2012

Lincoln Christmas Market

Evening guys,

Just a quick one tonight about my little shopping adventure to Lincoln!

I have a very exciting Primark haul to film but got to wait for good lighting for you to be able to actually see me but hopefully it'll be up in the middle of the week (you'll see evidence of my Primark over haul in the coming pictures he he),

i made a rookie shopping mistake, I shopped in Primark first then walked up the most vertical bloody hill in England! No word of a lie it was that steep i was bent over double trying to get up the
bugger. The point is i was heading to the top where the Christmas market 
was being held,
(And now i know exactly why they held it there, the amount of food they had to offer
they wanted you to burn off the calories before you add them on again!)

Despite the monstrous climb it has some gorgeous little shops on the way up including this little sweet shop 
(ever so English isn't it)

No considering my mum hasn't even got a camera on her phone she did pretty well at taking these picture!
Behind a cheesy smiling me in the foreground these was a Christmas shop full
of lovely handmade decorations and lots of bits and bobs.

I swear this poor woman thought i was stalking her because i was trying to take a picture of
the shop behind her but she kept getting in my shot!
However i have to say I'm glad she did because i am in love with her coat.
i wanted to ask her where she got it but i was too embarrassed that she actually might think i was stalking her! 

Its a gold post box!!!
That can only mean one thing..... a gold medal winning Olympian came from Lincoln!
Ain't got a clue who it was or what event they did but i shall try to find out for you.

Now come on who doesn't love a good carousel   

Here's a sneak peak at one of the things i got from Primark!
I know I've mentioned the P work a lot but i really am impressed with that place and 
now ones just opened merely half an hour away from me you might 
be seeing a lot more from there.

Kel x


  1. Looking gorgeous girlie! you got a onesiee! i have the grey one with writting over it did u see it in there? great post mwah xxx

  2. awww thank you hunny bun! I looked at the onesies but the only one i liked wasn't in my size :( i think it was the one you got as well! its just a pj set but its extra fluffy and lovely hehe xxx
