Now if your like me and like to save a little money here and there then you'll know that when it comes to colouring your hair home kits are they way to go!
I've been dying my hair for years which you'd never be able to tell because i usually stick to as close to my natural hair colour as possible. So why do it? i hear you ask....
Because i can! i can venture into different shades to see if they work for me and if i don't like it i can change right back again all at the expense of around £6.
I decided to venture in to new grounds when i saw this new Olia by Garnier with £1 off in Morrison's (original price is £6.99) and thought what the heck.
I found it dumb persons proof (which is always a essential when I'm involved) with clear instructions, step by step guide of what to put where and how to applie correctly and also the conditioner that came with this was a good size and smelt of cocoa which made a nice change from the usual small, foul smelling excuse for a conditioning treatment that usual comes with hair dyes!
As you can see I'm a bun person, some ladies can leave there dyed hair hanging around there shoulders but that just winds me up (a bit like hair getting stuck on a freshly lip glossed mouth, it gives me the same annoyed anxiety).
The dye went on to dry hair which was a new one as usual you have to dampen your locks first, it also took 10 minutes longer to set by leaving the product on for half an hour in total!
Over all it left my hair smooth, shiny and the colour was exactly as it described on the box- 4.15 Iced Chocolate. This product contains 60% oils and with no ammonia the smell was not over powering and didn't made you want to fumigate your bath room afterwards.
I'll have to get back to you on the longevity of it as i have only had it on for a week but so far so good and i think i can safely say i will be purchasing another bottle in maybe a different shade next time (don't panic it won't be anything as dramatic as blonde though so don't get your hope up).
Kel x
I have to ask, that do you have pictures after dyeing? id like to see how does the color look.. :)