Sunday, 12 February 2012

New traditions

Now I'm thinking considering this is going to be a regular undertaking (blogging that is!) i might as well have a Lil tradition and i came up with....... Round up Sundays!!!! Basically the GOOD, the BAD and the down right UGLY of my week.

Despite having the memory capacity of a goldfish i shall do my best with this one so here goes..... the pilot of ROUND UP SUNDAYS!!!!! (eek I'm kinda excited, don't judge me lol).

The Good;
- Finally concurring my fear of modern technology and becoming a full time blogger (who kinda knows what there doing)
- Seeing Chris!!! Even if it was only for 3 hours, still enough time to have a good oogle at that lovely bottom and gorgous blue eyes (im only human after all).
- Catching up with my lovely friend Char, who i miss and need to pursuade to come to the gym (shes a smoker so fears of a collapse lung are high on her list of reasons to avoid me and my gym pass!)

The Bad;
- The fact that i hit a 80 year old man round the head with my favourite River Island (ultimate ebay bargain of the year may i hassen to add) handbag and possibly gave him concusion as i was getting off the bus this morning! Yet another positive reason why i should stop being a wuss and pass my driving test!
P.S. If by some insain chance or in a parelle universe the old man in question ever reads this blog, i am SOOOOOOOOOO sorry about that!

The Ugly;
- The weather...... thats all i have to say for THAT one!

So hope you've enjoyed that, think i may have strained a brain cell remembering all of that but i got it off my chesticles in the end and thats the main thing here!

Till tomorrow

Kel x

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